Monday 27 June 2016

My Daily Wallpaper Is Officially Out

If you haven't been following my twitter or popular news sites, then you might not have realised that I've released a new application for Windows 10 desktop and mobile. My Daily Wallpaper is out this very moment and you can download it too.

The app has had on and off development for over a year, and started off as both a solution to a first world problem and a proof of concept for a component I was developing for changing a users lockscreen that I could drop into other applications. The first world problem I had was that I kept missing XKCD comics, and so thought that if I had them automatically download onto my lockscreen I'd be able to either see (or at least be reminded of) the latest XKCD comic. The only problem was that there are 7 days in the week and only 3 XKCD comics a week. So the app evolved into including more than just XKCD and into the app that is available today.

The app was also fortunate enough to be picked for Junes AdDuplex HERO APPS program, where it was awarded the highest level. This resulted in their twitter account tweeting about the app and a review by Windows Central! They didn't mention my name, but it was more than Picasa Photo Hub ever got :) This saw a significant download boost for the app, which is somewhat niche in nature, so if your app is eligible I definitely advise you at least submit it for the program.

Unfortunately, timing was not on my side as at the time of release the current preview build of Windows Mobile 10 stopped the app from setting the wallpaper - the main function of the app. This has crippled its ratings by frustrated users (and rightfully so), which are only just moving back to positive. This was also something that was beyond my control, so I just had to sit back and watch the outcries. I submitted an emergency update to at least let the users get past the first time use setup, but that was the most I could do.

Now the app is out I'm currently working on a few things for future updates
 - New sources - the initial 4 are a bit limiting
 - Deeper configuration for how the wallpapers are set automatically
 - Bug fixes reported by users

However, this is currently taking a back seat on some bug fixes for Picasa Photo Hub - more on that soon.

So go out, download the app and spread the word via twitter or AppRaisin

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